Ryan Houk

Product Designer
& Developer

Hey there! Creativity often thrives in a bit of chaos—because let’s be honest, the design process can get a little messy sometimes. But that's where the magic happens, turning ideas into polished, customer-friendly products.

Description for image 1
Adobe CC
Tailwind CSS
Framer Motion
Information Architecture
A/B Testing
UX Surveys
Usability Testing
VS Code
Card Sorting
AB Testing
Usability Testing
Web Applications
iOS & Android Apps


There is a lot of work to choose from! Here are a few highlights to dive into.

tv OS music app with large artist photo
Web · iOS · Android · tvOS · Roku

Media Platforms

Unified disparate media platforms for podcasts, videos, and music by reworking the information architecture and designing a scalable product for a consistent user experience across Apple TV, mobile apps, and websites.

iOS · MacOS


A place for everything. Project details available soon.

Case Study Soon
two iphones with media rich app interfaces
AI · Web · App

P4O Platform

Led the design & development of a platform that supercharged internal content reviewers to use AI to speed up their review process, increasing team efficiency and accuracy by more than 10x.

Case Study Soon

WebMob Site

Developed an internal website that enables stakeholders to monitor project progress and access style guides, fostering greater transparency and collaboration.

Case Study Soon
iOS · Android · Browser Ext · Web App


Co-founded a startup and raised funding for an all-in-one listing app. Created entry points for users to add and consume content across platforms including browser extensions and embedded content.

Case Study Soon

Crisis Response

Designed and developed a training platform for emergency responders with a focus on accessibility, achieving a WCAG compliance score of 96%.

Case Study Soon
Web App

Donor Cloud

Redesigned & developed a donation experience, increasing the completion rate by 35%, and created a donor platform for managing donor information, enhancing user engagement and data management.

Case Study Soon

Educational Media Foundation

For outsourced design projects, I act as a developer and mentor to junior designers, providing feedback before ultimately developing the final product.

Case Study Soon


VS Code





Arc Browser

Craft Docs


Interested in design and tech? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

About Me

A quick snippet about me.

piece of duct tape stuck to a letter

Hey, friends!

I've been doing this for over 15 years and continuously learning from both success and failure. Empathy? Yep. Usability testing? Yep. Aligning business and customer goals? You know it!

It all started with a digital training tutorial for a Pepsi bottling plant. I designed the UI in Photoshop (Figma didn't exist yet) and coded the software with Lingo using Macromedia Director. Didn't I say I've been doing this for a long time? I've done product design for years until rediscovering my love for coding; now I do both.

I've worked with startups, co-founded a startup, raised angel investments, and worked with agencies. These experiences taught me that successful products result from teams with no egos, where creative contributions come from everyone.

In my journey, I've embraced the beauty of diversity and the richness of different perspectives. My interactions and experiences are guided by a deep appreciation for every individual's unique story. I strive to create a space where everyone feels valued and understood.

~ Ryan

sticker with the words design with care

Thank You!

Appreciate you taking the time to check out my portfolio 👍

Designed & developed by Ryan Houk